½ cup raw cacao butter
½ cup raw cacao liquor
½ cup rice malt syrup
1 tbsp raw cacao powder
Tiny pinch Himalayan salt
Optional splash food grade orange or peppermint essential oil, or vanilla powder
⅓ cup coconut butter
Food Grade Peppermint or Orange Essential Oil (I use young living oils)
Gently melt and whisk chocolate ingredients together in a bowl over another bowl of hot water. Adjust flavours to your taste. Pour into desired moulds half way and set in the freezer. Meanwhile combine essential oil to taste in coconut butter. Form little balls in the centre of each mould, then cover with remaining chocolate and set.
½ cup raw cacao butter
½ cup raw cacao liquor
½ cup rice malt syrup
1 tbsp raw cacao powder
Tiny pinch Himalayan salt
Optional splash food grade orange or peppermint essential oil, or vanilla powder
⅓ cup coconut butter
Food Grade Peppermint or Orange Essential Oil (I use young living oils)
Gently melt and whisk chocolate ingredients together in a bowl over another bowl of hot water. Adjust flavours to your taste. Pour into desired moulds half way and set in the freezer. Meanwhile combine essential oil to taste in coconut butter. Form little balls in the centre of each mould, then cover with remaining chocolate and set.